Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Strawberries can prevent esophageal cancer

In 2010, some 16,640 new cases of esophageal cancer is suspected in the U.S. and 14,500 people die because of it, according to the American Cancer Society. Risk factors for esophageal cancer include tobacco use and the combination of smoking and heavy alcohol drinking. A diet low in fruits and vegetables may also increase risk.

He presented his research results at a small meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Orlando, Fla. The study was funded by the California Strawberry Commission.

After animal studies show strawberries may have many benefits against cancer for esophageal cancer, Chen decided to study their effect in humans.

He evaluates the use of freeze-dried strawberries in 36 men and women who have precancerous lesions of the esophagus.

Eating freeze-dried strawberries may help prevent esophageal cancer, according to new research, but the beginning.

"Eating strawberries may be a way for people at high risk for cancer of the esophagus to protect themselves from this disease," said researcher Tong Chen, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus.

Their average age is about 54. Everything is at high risk for cancer of the esophagus, the tube connecting the throat to the stomach. This allows food into the stomach for digestion.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Heart palpitations can be washed with Yoga

One reason that the risk of heart disease because of heart palpitations, aka normal in some cases. The study found that yoga can help calm your heart rate to normal.

Yoga on a regular basis to reduce the effects of heart disease are common potentially dangerous or known as atrial fibrillation.

Atrial fibrillation is a condition where a normal heartbeat, which greatly increases the likelihood of blood clots and strokes develop.

Treatment is likely to be released through surgery to remove the disability, drug abuse, and some lifestyle changes such as reducing caffeine and alcohol.

But at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans shows researchers are not new yoga three times a week-long meeting for improving living conditions, reduced levels of anxiety and depression, which can endanger patients suffering from atrial fibrillation.

"The results of this study atrial fibrillation interesting, although not curable, but it seems to help reduce the risk there," said Dr. Raul Mitrani, clinical director of heart at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, as quoted from HealthDay, Monday (4 / 4 / 2011).

It has been found in previous studies, the benefits of yoga for heart and lower blood pressure and cholesterol and make arteries more flexible. But this study is the first to see the effect on atrial fibrillation.

In this study, aged between 25-70 years old 49 years for patients who have atrial fibrillation do yoga program of work for 45 minutes 3 times a week for three months. The courses are offered in the form of yogic breathing exercises, yoga and different functions, meditation and quiet. Participants who suffer from yoga to the occurrence of atrial fibrillation average above average 01.02 08.03 earlier cases.

"Set directly on the level of his psychological needs, and we know that meditation and yoga can help make people more stable, and thus reduce fear and anxiety." Said Dr. Scott Shurmur manager for the prevention of heart disease at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.

When a person feels anxious or afraid of causing an explosion of adrenaline, which makes people vulnerable to trigger an arrhythmia caused by reduced activity of the sympathetic nervous system.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cry for Health Benefits

Gradually cry if it can make eyes red and swollen. But the cries and tears can also be a miracle drug that is useful for healthy body and mind. The following 7 cry for health benefits.

There are several reasons for men to cry:

1. Crying for love and tenderness.
2. Crying out of fear.
3. Crying for love.
4. Crying for joy.
5. Crying in the face of suffering.
6. Crying because it was too sad.
7. Crying because it feels humiliated and weak.
8. Crying because follow-involved people crying.
9. Crying to get charity.
10. Crying == hypocrites pretending to cry.

Here are 7 cry for the health benefits that you can get after crying and tears.

1. Helps eyesight

Tears turned out to help one's vision, not just the eye itself. Discharge from the eyes to prevent dehydration of the membrane of the eye that can make the vision become blurred.

2. Killing bacteria

No need eye drops, enough tears that serves as a natural antibacterial. In the tear fluid contained the so-called "lisozom" which can kill around 90-95 percent of bacteria-2 was left of the computer keyboard, railings, sneezing and place-2-containing bacteria, in just 5 minutes.

3. Improve your mood

Someone who can cry because of lower levels of depression with crying, mood will be lifted again. Tears were generated from the type to cry because the emotion contains 24 percent protein albumin are useful in regulating the body's metabolic system than tears resulting from irritation of the eyes.

4. Remove toxins

A biochemist William Frey has conducted several studies about tears and found that the tears that came out of the emotional cry because it contains toxins.

But make no mistake, tear out the poisonous it signifies that he brought the poison from the body and release it through the eye.

5. Reduce stress

How tears can reduce stress? Tears of stress hormone release was also found in the body called "endorphins leucine-enkaphalin" and "prolactin."

In addition to lowering levels of stress, tears also help fight disease-2 are caused by stress such as high blood pressure.

6. Building community

In addition to good physical health, crying also could help someone build a community. Usually someone in tears after telling the problem in front-2'nya friend or someone who can provide support, and this can increase the ability to communicate and socialize.

7. Comforting feeling

Everyone seemed to feel that way. Although you suffered various kinds of problems and trials, but after crying usually will appear a sense of relief.

After crying, the limbic system, brain and heart will be smooth, and it makes a person feel better and relieved. Remove the matter of the mind through the tears, do not buried because you can cry explosiveness.
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